(15, AZ, USA) Anonymous - Human

Being human means coming home from a long day and finding comfort in the small things: greeting your dog, watching your favorite show, and eating your favorite food. It's jumping to crazy conclusions, but having a friend who talks you out of them. It's talking on the phone with that friend for hours, then forgetting you had something to do, but it's okay because you can do it later (you probably didn't end up doing it later). Being human is making mistakes and telling yourself it's fine, telling yourself that a number on a paper doesn't define you or your worth. It's going out with your friends, and suddenly your problems don't seem so big. It’s feeling pretty, ugly, annoying, hot, perfect and imperfect all at the same time. It’s means having backyard BBQs on a Friday where the family plays music and tries to forget they have to go to work on Monday. It's okay though because the Fridays make the week worth it. It means having the ability to see colors, taste flavors, laugh at funny things, and enjoy all sorts of nice things. It means wondering what you're going to do for the rest of your life, wondering why your life is out of control. But it's not, you're 15. Then you tell yourself it's not a big deal, we're all on a floating rock anyway. Being human is wondering what the point is, it means complicating the answer to a hyper existential question. The answer's simple: being human is wonderful, that's basically the whole point.


(14, NY, USA) Anonymous - The 1 Out of 10


(16, CA, USA) Anonymous - Somewhat Mediocre