(17, VA, USA) Anonymous - Lessons

We are often faced with the obstacles that life tends to always throw at us. Some of us may feel like we get beat down a little more than others, and that’s okay. We might not think so at the moment, but every hardship we face will turn into a lesson, even if we didn’t ask to be in this lecture. Life has a funny way of working, we as humans must learn to just face the realities of it. But we also have the ability to choose how we see the world, light or dark. I believe everything that’s ever happened to us…is a lesson. Whether we are facing heartbreak that we believe we will never get over, or a loved one has passed and we believe we will forever feel empty, we all learn something. Take me for an example, I am an ordinary girl, living an ordinary life. The year just started four months ago and I have already welcomed heartbreak into my home. I have learned that life is cruel and people can be cruel, especially teenage boys. I learned that life can be so uncalled for and nothing but utter chaos majority of the time. The sun will rise and set whether I am here to see it or not. In learning to let go, I also learned to hold onto what mattered. This year, I learned that people will betray you and try to justify it so they don’t have to own up to it. I learned that not everyone is good and has the same heart as me. In these four months of 2024, I have learned strength and everything in between it. I hope for everyone who reads this, learns to see life from another perspective. So if you are healing from your first heartbreak or dealing with grief, just know it will get better and you will survive and grow stronger. Although I got my heart broken already in the time span of two months into the new year, I also got the opportunity to learn more about myself. Things didn't work out between us but he was a lesson. He serves as a prime example of reminding me I deserve more than the bare minimum, that I am not as unlovable as he made me feel, that I will be okay. I learned new things about myself that I never expected myself to even dive into and I am thriving. So even though part of me resents him for treating me like that, I thank him for letting me go so I could discover myself. On the contrary, I understand being tired of learning lessons. Yes, they may have shaped us into the powerful people we are today but we’ve had enough. We have reflected upon our mistakes and swear to use these lessons for the better in the future. Just please give us a rest. I really understand, I do. If you are tired of getting taught, let me share my lessons with you in hopes you will not have to sit through it like me. Life is not fair, but it is still good. Life is too short to waste time hating anybody. Don’t take yourself too seriously, no one else does. Cry with someone, it’s so much more healing than crying alone. Make peace with your past so it doesn’t ruin your future. If a relationship has to be a secret, it shouldn’t be one in the first place. Burn the candles, use your nice sheets, wear the scandalous lingerie. Time heals almost everything, give time time. What other people think of you is none of your business. Don’t chase anyone, chase your goals. Don’t be too kind…not everyone has a good heart. PLEASE wear your sunscreen, you will thank me in your 70s. Not everyone is meant to stay in your life, let the flow in and out. Sunshine, laughter, smiling, nature, water, and dancing are all amazing forms of therapy. The steps to life are so made up. People are happy if they’re happy. No marriage, amount of money, children, or house will equal happiness. Don’t let society’s perfect pictures get your own life twisted. Don’t get married if you don’t want to, don’t have kids if you don’t want to, start school again if you want to, who cares. You are allowed to restart and change directions a million times in this life, and that’s the beauty of it all. This is your only life…so take care of yourself and live it.


(15, TX, USA) Anonymous - My Story


(16, NY, USA) Anonymous - Growing Up