(15, TX, USA) Anonymous - Finding Strength

Growing up, I always felt like I didn't quite fit in. Maybe it was because of my love for books and my knack for daydreaming, or perhaps it was my tendency to speak my mind even when it wasn't the popular opinion. Whatever the reason, it seemed like I was always on the outskirts of social circles, looking in.

The bullying began subtly, like a slow drip that gradually eroded my self-confidence. It started with whispers behind my back and mocking glances across the classroom. At first, I brushed it off, telling myself that kids will be kids and that it would pass. But as the taunts grew louder and more persistent, I found myself retreating further into myself, afraid to show even the smallest hint of vulnerability.

One of the hardest parts was feeling like I had nowhere to turn. I was too embarrassed to confide in my parents, fearing that they would see me as weak or that they wouldn't understand. And so, I suffered in silence, putting on a brave face for the world while the pain festered inside me.

It wasn't just the words that hurt, though they cut deep like knives. It was the constant feeling of being invisible, of never quite belonging anywhere. I began to question my worth, wondering if I deserved the cruelty that was being inflicted upon me. I started to believe the lies that they told me—that I was worthless, that I would never amount to anything.

But in the midst of the darkness, a flicker of hope emerged. It came in the form of a kind word from a stranger or a smile from a teacher who took the time to listen. It was these small acts of kindness that reminded me that I wasn't alone, that there were people out there who cared about me even when it felt like the whole world was against me.

Slowly but surely, I began to find my voice again. I started to stand up for myself, refusing to let the bullies dictate my worth. It wasn't easy, and there were plenty of setbacks along the way, but with each passing day, I grew stronger.

Eventually, I realized that the bullies didn't define me. Their words were just that—words, empty and meaningless in the grand scheme of things. I learned to let go of the hurt and the anger, choosing instead to focus on the things that brought me joy—the books that transported me to far-off worlds, the friendships that lifted me up when I was feeling down, and the dreams that filled me with hope for the future.

Looking back, I'm grateful for the struggles that I faced. They taught me resilience in the face of adversity and showed me that I am capable of overcoming even the toughest of challenges. Today, I stand tall and proud, knowing that I am stronger because of the battles that I have fought and won. And though the scars may still linger, they serve as a reminder of just how far I've come on my journey to self-acceptance and inner peace.


(14, NY, USA) Anonymous - Nostalgia


(21, TX, USA) Anonymous - Everything Is Going to Be Okay