(18, WA, USA) Maira - What Is Love?

What is love? Oh baby, don’t hurt me like the popular Haddaway song says, maybe, but not quite. Love is an abstract concept that I had no model of throughout childhood. Without a model of security, support, or affection, I had difficulty opening up to others while growing up. Having a single mother who was always working to support us directed me to handle things on my own. At night, I would often feel overwhelmed. There were so many nights when I would cry my eyes out because of it. All of this quickly changed when I felt romantic love for the first time. It all began with a simple question, asking if we could take pictures together for the winter formal. The feelings of friendship I had once harbored quickly shifted to ones of romantic interest. I took every opportunity I had to reach out and talk to him. I thought to myself, “Maybe I could make something happen.” I took the initiative and asked him to view the cherry blossoms. When sitting in the car together on a random Friday, the topic of others dating had arisen. Without a second thought, I blurted out, “So are we?” After only a month, we officially became a couple. It might seem silly how just this one boy could change my whole perspective on love, communication, and reaching out, but it has happened. Being in love involves trusting the other. Through this trust, I built my ability to open up when overwhelmed and stressed. I have learned it is okay to ask for help. Talking through what and why I feel that way stopped my late-night crying and transformed it into positive productivity. Communication has become one of my core values. Instead of becoming angry or upset by something I noticed, I discussed why I was bothered, and he explained the situation. Learning that asking for help does not make me weaker but instead stronger has seeped into my academic life as well. As a student, I now do not have anxiety when reaching out for assistance. Teachers and professors are there to assist me and do not think less of me if I ask for help. Instead of keeping my stress and worries inside of me until they bubble over, I now reach out to others to discuss my emotions and allow them to motivate me to continue. Love has also made me more confident in my work. Before, I would constantly worry that I was not doing enough or that I was falling behind. I have gained confidence in my abilities and continue to improve each day. The simple action of falling in love changed my perception. Without it, I would have stuck to my old ways. Romance has allowed me to be reborn and continue to make improvements to myself.


(18, WA, USA) Anonymous - Collectivistic Mindset


(17, NJ, USA) Serena - A Symphony of Musical Growth