(16, NJ, USA) Olivia - A Small Plastic Bag

“There’s nothing I like on this menu!” I complained to my parents as I unenthusiastically read through the menu, still upset we did not go to the restaurant of my choice. Annoyed, my parents told me there was at least one thing I could find on the menu, and complaining would not change anything. Like a ten year old would, I made snarky remarks back, unknowing the turnout I was about to cause. In about ten seconds, my dad lashed out saying blurred out sentences in my mind as I had become red and unaware. Still embarrassed, I pointed to the dish I had wanted to the waiter and relentlessly handed her the menu. After what seemed to be a never ending lunch, was over, I held my leftovers in a small plastic bag saying “Thank You”. Walking down blocks of New York City, I stumbled upon litter so many times that my white shoes were now ombre. As I continued to walk down a not only dirty, but dangerous street, I spotted a man holding a sign with the words, “Hungry, anything helps, god bless.” Being so young, I could not grasp the concept of being homeless and questioned my parents as to why they could not just find a job, live with their family, and many other ideas my close-minded self expressed. Although my brain told me to walk away, my heart told me to stay and help this man in some way. Looking to my family for ways to help, I realized I still had my leftover pasta. “Excuse me.” I repeated to the man as he aimlessly looked around, till he spotted little me reaching out with the bag in my hand. My heart filled with happiness as he took it, but something inside me felt a wave of guilt. A person in front of me with nothing to eat, let alone eat in, hit me. I finally grasped the idea of what it means to be grateful. I have a house, a bed, food, a loving family, and I had been taking it for granted. Now, I look at the opportunities I am given and look at it from a grateful and positive perspective.  


(17, CT, USA) Anonymous - An Introduction to My Mind


(17, NJ, USA) Uliyana - Ivy League Model UN