(15, FL, USA) Anonymous - Rain

It all started back in kindergarten, on one of those dreary, rainy days when everyone groaned because recess was canceled. But for me, it was the beginning of a love affair with the rain that has lasted a lifetime. While my classmates complained and pouted, I found myself drawn to the window, watching the raindrops race down the glass. There was something mesmerizing about the way they danced and played, as if each droplet had a story to tell. Instead of feeling disappointed, I felt a sense of wonder and excitement. I begged my teacher to let me go outside, just for a moment, to feel the rain on my skin. She agreed, probably thinking I was crazy, but I didn't care. Stepping out into the rain, I felt alive in a way I had never experienced before. The cool droplets kissed my cheeks, and the sound of the rain was like music to my ears. From that moment on, I was hooked. Now, whenever it rains, I'm the first one outside, spinning in circles with my face turned up to the sky. While others may curse the rain for ruining their plans, I cherish it for the beauty and joy it brings into my life.


(15, NC, USA) Anonymous - Raven


(15, FL, USA) Anonymous - Discovering Florence