(15, AZ, USA) Anonymous - Leader or Follower?

I was filling out an application today and rolled my eyes as I saw the same question as always: 'What makes you a leader?' Society puts so much emphasis on the idea that if you're not a leader, you're not worth it. Society separates people into either bold, daring, and outgoing leaders or blind followers. It's such an awful ideology. No, I won't take charge in every situation, and I don't believe in that. I won't be the person who gets put in a room and starts to dictate how things will get done. It seriously shouldn't be like that. It's human tendency to create hierarchies. If you're not at the top, then what makes you special? People shouldn't be put into two separate categories because it's not black and white. I would be the type of person who gets everyone involved, because does that not make sense? Struggling for power and giving the baton to only one person creates conflict, so why do we still believe that every group needs a leader? And we should not look down upon people who aren't leaders and label it as a bad quality. It's a team, not a posse. We work together, and by that, I mean we come up with ideas together. Stop separating people into either leaders or followers; it truly is absolute nonsense.


(15, Az, USA) Anonymous - Mexican Vegetarian


(17, NJ, USA) James - The New Waiter