(18, WA, USA) Maira - Intimate Distance

Intimate distance is one out of four of Hall’s spatial zones. This zone ranges from skin contact to eighteen inches. This distance usually occurs with people we have high levels of familiarity, safety, and closeness. This zone entails physical contact and allowing someone into your bubble of space. Breaking into this barrier was challenging for me, even with individuals I considered my closest friends. Trivial activities like hugging would require multiple encounters and building up a level of courage. I often worried whether the other person would be comfortable with it and then would avoid it altogether. My concerns with physical touch shifted to a liking after a first date with my boyfriend. We had decided to view the cherry blossoms at the University of Washington in late March. It had gotten dark after we ate dinner, and we were walking down the streets of Capitol Hill. It was as if he could sense my uneasiness as we continued to walk down the road to the light rail station. He stuck his hand out behind him, signaling me to grab on. At that moment, the usual unease with shifting from the personal distance we maintained into the intimate distance of walking hand-in-hand vanished. I grabbed his hand with no hesitation and felt safe and at ease. I quickly found that this intimate distance was easy to get into as long as the emotional connection I felt outweighed the overthinking voices in my head. This example illustrates how intimate distance occurs. Proximity is a shared connection between two individuals. Emotional connection and attachment make those moments increasingly more special. Sharing intimate distance is a feat that we do not usually entertain with a stranger besides a medical professional. The awareness surrounding our own space is an awe-inspiring thing.


(18, WA, USA) Maira - Interview Day


(17, CA, USA) Carly - 2025