(15, NJ, USA) Jason - Drafted Love Letters

Dear you,

I've always been a very carefree person. I've always lived life without a care, letting fate run its course. I like to be alone because that comforted me. I never really went to sleep one night, eager to wake up the next. That doesn't mean I didn't like my life, it's just there was nothing in my life to believe in or look forward to. That was, until I met you. Something about you interested me. What was it? Was it your hazel eyes that made me feel calm? Or was it your caring character that made me feel appreciated? What is it about you that makes me want to learn more about you? I didn't know your favorite color, your favorite movie, your favorite food, but I wanted to learn. I wanted to know more about you. You gave me something to look forward to the next day. I finally had something to believe in. You were everything I desired. I wanted to choose my destiny. If the stars wrote out that we were never meant to be, then I'd write them myself. Like I said before, I like to be alone usually. That's how I knew I loved you. Because for once I didn't want to sit by myself while studying. For once I didn't want to walk down the halls by myself. For once. I wanted to be by someone. By you.

You were a lovely paradox.


(17, WA, USA) Anonymous - Asian American


(17, NJ, USA) Stecey - Happiness Is Not Guaranteed