(17, MO, USA) Anonymous - Beach Bum

As I sat there on the beach, surrounded by the sights and sounds of nature, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of tranquility washing over me. The crashing waves served as a delicate lullaby, soothing my restless mind and requesting me to surrender to the present moment. The laughter and chat of people around me became background melodies to the symphony of the ocean, incorporating harmoniously to develop a tapestry of human connection and natural beauty.

As I gazed out at the vast stretch of the blue ocean, waves rising and tumbling like a heartbeat, I couldn't help but be reminded of the flow of life itself. Each crashing surge embodied the trials and challenges that come our way, relentless in their quest to shape us. Yet, just like the ocean, we have the power to adjust and welcome these waves, finding solace in the understanding that they too shall pass.

The sensation of the sand beneath my feet was a grounding force, reminding me of my relationship to the Earth and its timeless wisdom. The tiny seashells strew around me spoke of the magnificence that can arise from brokenness, each fragment holding a story of its own. It made me reflect on the messy characteristics of my life, and the imperfections and missteps that have shaped me into who I am today. Like the abandoned sandcastle toys, once used to build something magnificent, I realized that life is a delicate balance of creation and letting go, of building and accepting change.

In that instant, a puff of wind swept through, tousling my hair and bringing with it a sense of liberation. It was as if the wind whispered secrets of stability and surrender, urging me to release my worries and embrace the unpredictable nature of existence. I felt a shift within me, a knowledge that true consensus lies not in controlling the external world but in finding stillness within ourselves.

The taste of salt on my lips brought a wave of memories crashing into my consciousness. It reminded me of the bittersweet moments of life, the tears shed and the lessons discovered. Just as the ocean can be both peaceful and fierce, life too can be a peaceful dance between joy and sorrow. In tasting the salty ocean air, I was reminded that growth often requires us to embrace discomfort and face the objectionable validities that lie before us.

As I sat there, soaking the beauty and energy of the beach, I couldn't help but feel a profound sense of appreciation and awe. The ocean, the sand, the seashells—they all held within them a wisdom that surpassed words. I realized that this experience was not just about observing the world around me; it was about relating with it on a deeper level, authorizing it to shape my thoughts and transform my awareness of myself and my place in the universe.

In that moment, I felt a profound sense of personal growth. The beach had become a metaphor for life—a reminder to find relief in the depth of disarray, to adopt change and imperfection, and to relinquish the beauty and wisdom that surround us. I left that beach with a renewed sense of purpose and a shifted viewpoint, carrying with me the transformative power of nature's embrace.


(17, MO, USA) Anonymous - Crispy Days of Fall


(17, NJ, USA) Anonymous - Being A Wallflower