(17, MD, USA) Anonymous - Harry Potter

It wasn’t the magic, nor the fantastical creatures, that first pulled me into the world of Harry Potter. It was the loneliness. I was a child who felt invisible, a silent observer in a crowded room. My days were filled with a dull ache, the echo of a yearning for connection I couldn’t quite understand. Then, one rainy afternoon, I stumbled upon a book with a boy on the cover, a lightning bolt scar etched on his forehead, a look of defiance in his eyes. That boy, Harry Potter, became my portal. He was the outcast, the orphan, the one who felt different, just like me.

His world, filled with spells and potions, was a tapestry of vibrant colors, a stark contrast to the greyscale monotony of my own. I devoured each book, a sense of belonging blooming in my chest. Each page was a journey, a quest for something more, a testament to the power of friendship, courage, and love. There were times when the stories mirrored my own struggles. Harry’s fear of facing Voldemort, his constant struggle with being ‘the Boy Who Lived,’ resonated deeply. I, too, felt burdened by expectations, by the fear of not living up to some unspoken standard. But Harry, through his resilience and unwavering belief in himself, taught me that strength didn’t come from being perfect, but from facing our fears and choosing kindness even when it was hard.

My journey with Harry Potter wasn’t just about escaping into a world of magic. It was about learning to embrace my own magic, the unique spark that made me different. I discovered the power of stories, how they could transport me, comfort me, and empower me. The world of Hogwarts, with its grand halls and bustling streets, became a safe haven, a place where I could be myself, where I could explore my imagination without judgment.

The stories also ignited a passion for writing. It was through the lens of Harry Potter that I began to understand the power of language, the way words could create worlds, weave emotions, and inspire change. I started writing my own stories, inspired by the magic of the wizarding world, crafting my own characters who faced their own trials and triumphs.

As I grew older, my interest in the wizarding world didn’t fade. It evolved, mirroring the changes within me. The complex characters, their struggles with grief, loss, and the weight of responsibility, resonated even more strongly. I found peace in their journeys, understanding that even in a world of magic, life was messy, complex, and often painful.

Today, my relationship with Harry Potter is one of deep gratitude. It’s a bond forged in a shared experience, a testament to the power of stories to connect us, to heal us, and to remind us that even in the darkest of times, there’s always a glimmer of hope, a whisper of magic, waiting to be discovered. The boy who lived, the boy who saved the world, also saved a part of me. And in his journey, I found my o


(17, CA, USA) Carly - A Million Dreams


(16, PA, USA) Anonymous - Mid July