(17, CA, USA) Anonymous - Following the Crowd

Succumbing to the collective may be secure and comforting, but it can also mean that one misses opportunities and does not grow as an individual. I was once caught up in herd behavior during my high school days. I chose a popular clique because it seemed right even though it did not resonate with me very well. Rather than taking up activities that I found interesting, some of which included certain clubs, I got involved in them just because everyone else was doing it. Nevertheless, as time went on, I realized that by following others’ examples, I was undermining myself and personal satisfaction. It took guts to leave my comfort zone and follow my own path, but this led me to discovering what really interested me and where my strengths lay. By celebrating the knacks of singularity and making choices based on my values and dreams, life has become more satisfied for me. Nonetheless, we must look upon our own inner voice as wedevour guidance from others in their advice; eventually we should make decisions according to our intuitions through our different paths even if they arecontrary to the mass leading us into personal experiences so as to have quality life. My experience showed me how vital originality is and how empowering it can be when you choose your own way in life.


(17, NJ, USA) James - The New Waiter


(18, WA, USA) Maira - Interview Day